
Cumin Oil
Type:Pure Essential Oil
Raw Material:Seeds
Appearance:Dark yellow liquid
Refractive index @20°C: 1.500 ~ 1.506
Specific gravity @25°C: 0.905 ~ 0.925
Typical rotation @20°C: 3°~ 8°
Content by GC(Aldehydes) : 45 ~ 54%

Oil properties
It has a spicy and very penetrating smell.

Cumin oil is extracted by steam distillation from the ripe seed.

Chemical composition
The main chemical components of cumin oil are propanal,benzenemethanol,1-phenyl-1-butanol,γ-Terpinene,β-pinene,cymene,pulegone..

Cumin has an overpowering smell and should be used very sparingly, yet it is considered non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. It does have photo-toxic qualities, so should not be used when the skin will be exposed to sunlight.
People with a sensitive skin should avoid it and it should be avoided during pregnancy.
Therapeutic properties The therapeutic properties of cumin oil are antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, antitoxic, bactericidal, carminative, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, nervine, stimulant and tonic.
Cumin is useful as a warming oil and helps relieve muscular pains and osteoarthritis.
In the digestive system, it is a stimulant that helps with colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, bloating and indigestion.
For the nervous system, it is a tonic and has a beneficial effect on headaches, migraine and nervous exhaustion.

Health Benefits : The health benefits of Cumin Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties like bactericidal, carminative, digestive, diuretic, anti septic, anti spasmodic, detoxifier, emenagogue, stimulant, nervine and tonic. Essential Oils of Cumin is extracted from its dried and crushed seeds through steam distillation. Cumin is scientifically known as Cuminum Cyminum. Cumin is so popular, as a spice all over the world, that it does not need any introduction. But Cumin Essential Oil does. Uses :- Cumin is useful as a warming oil and helps relieve muscular pains and osteoarthritis. In the digestive system, it is a stimulant that helps with colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, bloating and indigestion. For the nervous system, it is a tonic and has a beneficial effect on headaches, migraine and nervous exhaustion.

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